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Blogger Search Preferences Settings | SEO

Blogger allows you to set which and how pages are to be shown in search results. We will customize search settings for best seo results.
Blogger Search Preferences Settings | SEO
Blogger Search Preferences Settings
Blogger Search Preferences Settings is a cool feature to optimize our blogger blog with best ever settings to get higher rankings in SERPs. This feature has given a new power to bloggers to optimize their blogs in a better way than before like as Custom URL Redirect, Custom 404 Error Page, Meta Description, Custom Header Tags and Custom Robots.txt so overall these are cool features unless we do not use them. Let us begin to optimize our blog and use these settings for best ever SEO results.

Steps For Blogger Search Preferences Settings

First of all  go to Blogger Settings then Search Preferences Settings.

1) Meta Description: 

First option is of Blog Meta Description where we will put our Blog's description (Let it empty if you are already using meta description tags in your template code).

Click on edit link and write a brief description of your blog no more than 155 characters because it will be ignored by search engines after that particular limit.

Meta Description

2) Custom Page Not Found: 

Second option is of creating our own Custom 404 error page instead of showing the odd message, "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist". 
This is a separate tutorial Covered Here, "Creative 404 Error Page Setup For Blogger".

3) Custom Redirects: 

Third option is of custom redirects which means if there is a link on our blog which no more exist like as a older post you may have deleted, then we can make a redirect to that URL and can redirect this older link to a newer link on our blog.

You need to enter the URL after "www.yourdomain.com" like as "/2013/03/older-link.html" (excluding inverted comma) and in same way in new link like as "/2014/03/new-post". Please see the image below.

Custom URL Redirects

4) Custom robots.txt: 

Now this is the most sensitive part of our settings. I mean if we use it wrongly, our blog may suffer a great loss like as totally ignored by search engines. So use these settings precisely and carefully as mentioned and shown in image.

Custom robots.txt file content can be updated in here so we will add some important lines to it. Just copy paste the code given below (please remove any existing code if any) and hit save after doing compulsory changes as they are highlighted:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Sitemap: https://www.twistblogg.com/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500
Sitemap: https://www.twistblogg.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=updated

Custom Robots.txt

5) Custom Header Tags: 

Last option is of Header Tags by which we will make our blog much more SEO optimized. We will allow our blog to be indexed in a better way so that the content of our blog will appear in SERPs as we have published.

Otherwise search engines will index our blog content by default settings like as indexing Archives, search description for our blog posts from Open Directories rather than from our own content and indexing search pages results. Click on Edit - Yes - then mark all the boxes as shown in image below (be careful).

Custom Robots Header Tags


By now, after completing all the steps given above, you are done with Blogger Search Preferences Settings. These settings are crucial from SEO point of view. If you are having any problem or question regarding these settings, ask below in comments and I will reply to you asap. Thanks for the visit, Stay safe and Happy Blogging!!

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  1. Hi its a very useful post for my blog great on internet i hope my serch rankings will imrove soon
  2. What if I add the description in my template code and the add it Also as you listed here
  3. Hi
    I have a blogger website it is doesn't show on Google what is the problem I can't understand
  4. Hi Satbir,

    can you please tell me, how to submit sitemap to google webmaster.
    I am using blogger with TLD.
  5. Superb. I also made the same changes in my blog now lets see what will be happen next.
    great content;)
  6. cool, can i ask you Q why you don't have adsense on your blog?
    1. Th3Pro SD :: Adsense does not make any sense to me :)
  7. Thanks.. but after adding

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /search
    Allow: /
    Sitemap: http://www.twistblogger.com/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500
    Sitemap: http://www.twistblogger.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=updated

    Do i still need to add my sitemap on google webmaster tools ?
  8. i am use this setting on my blog. the result is my blog has 13 post and 5 pages , but its show result google index 58 , bing 16 , yahoo 35 .
    my posts are show double on there. what wrong happen there ?
    is that bad for seo ?
    my post label also index there i think.

    please tell me what i have to do?

    my site url : www.sharetrick.com
    1. From When Did you start using these settings..? If you just started using them then please just wait for few days. Otherwise your template might be using some bad SEO settings?
  9. Thanks. I used it on my blog http://pcgamesdownload4free.blogspot.com and cmcgod.blogspot.com and it is effective.
  10. should i change your blog url in the custom robots with mine??
    1. Okosun John :: Of-course buddy. Replace my URL with your own blog address.
    2. you are Good bro,please the trending html code for the sidebar widget on this your blog can you send its installation process and code to me i love it and would like to use it on my website http://menaveron.blogspot.com
  11. I feel like you are a real guru for me on blogger. Articles are easy at each & every step to impliment for myself. Thanks a lot.
    1. Omprakash :: I am not a guru buddy, neither would I ever be. I just try my best to make it as clear as possible. Thanks for your feedback! :)
  12. Yes meta description is super important for businesses which are looking to perform SEO.
  13. It is a very good post i have read this many times and did it. Thanks in advance :)
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